Who I am...
My name is Anat, Akhesenhet.
I am a devotee to the Ancient Egyptian Gods.
Het Eset, Het Set, Het Sekhmet, Het Anpu and Het Bastet.
Scribe in the service of Maat.
Priestess, public speaker, dream therapist, Oneiromancer, Hartibi and facilitator of Sacred Space.
Independent Researcher in Egyptology.
I create ritual and write prayers to all the Neteru.
This work has become my life's purpose.
Sharing my knowledge of Ancient Egyptian spiritual practices and wisdoms with others on their journey is my passion.
Work I have done...
Sacred Shrine space ritual at Toronto Pagan Pride Day and Hamilton Harvest Fest, annually, 2009 and ongoing
Kaleidoscope Gathering,
Four Winds Festival,
Speaker, 2002-2010
Canadian National Pagan Conference, Speaker, 2012, 2013
Ancient Egyptian Spirituality and Magical Practice
Parliament of the Worlds Religions, Speaker
2018 - Contending's of Horus and Seth - Morality play
2021- Ritual Practice in Scared Space
Regional Representative for Southern Ontario,
Greater Toronto and Ottawa Areas
International Association for Study of Dreams
Toronto Chapter, workshops, 2012, 2020
Society for the Studies of Egyptian Antiquities -Scholar's Symposium 2009
Contending's of Horus and Seth - Morality play